Greeks, Arabs, The Zionist Entity
And the Arab Orthodox Sect:
An Arab Nationalist Battle
By: Adib S. Kawar
Assafir Beiruti Arabic language daily wrote: : : : &date=6/19/2005: “The very strong shake the Orthodox Church is witnessing during the last few months and is still open for various probabilities, is not new as some believe, on the contrary, it had been going on for long years when the smell of selling and/or leasing the properties (endowment) of the Palestinian Arab Orthodox Church since the leasing of Jaffa’s grave yard… to be followed by St. John’s Monastery… etc.
“But what is new in it is the “timing”. Corruption’s roots went deep in the heart of the Orthodox Patriarchate for long years, and possibly since the Ottoman Empire had brought its Greek citizens to become responsible for Arab Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and the Holly Land, to annoy Russians with whom the Ottoman Government was in dispute with. The price was “colonizing the Palestinian Arab Orthodox congregation” by two colonizing powers, Ottomans and Greeks, and if the first had come to an end with the collapse of the “Ottoman Empire” (to be followed by British colonialism that left after finishing the task that it came to our homeland to accomplish… establishing the worse and more harmful, )the Zionist displacing and replacing colonization), the other is the Greek religious colonization that is still there in existence and cooperating with Zionist colonialism… Regional relations with Greece played a role in the continuity of the colonialism that utilizes religion, the church and the protocols of the Ottoman Empire as a cover for its continuity.
“Interests differed between the Zionist entity, Jordan and PLO throughout the past decades, but they intersected at one point that is the basing of this colonization on various considerations, the axis of which is the relation with Greece, and the possibility of exploiting the Greek clergy by the Zionist entity, thus achieving an indirect control over the Orthodox Church, which owns vast lots of land and a real estate all over Palestine. As thus the struggle in its basis is between a colonized congregation that is subjected by Greeks in addition to a Zionist occupation and with Greek controllers… and any solutions that exceed this fact is nothing but has a drugging effect.”
It is most surprising that the Palestinian Arab people and their Jordanian brethren who belong to the Arab Orthodox sect to be afflicted with religious colonialism, as in addition to the Ottoman then the British that was followed by Zionist colonialism is with what could equate them colonialism wise by the religious authority imposed on the Palestinian Arab congregation in occupied Palestine and Jordan on various domains.
It is surprising, which is actually quite surprising and strange that Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs who belong to the Arab Orthodox sect be afflicted in addition to religious colonization imposed on the Arab Orthodox congregation with what could be equal to it colonization wise, for in addition to Ottoman colonization that was followed by British colonization which brought along Zionist colonization to inherit it to complete its “message” in various fields.
What is quite strange, of those who imposed themselves on us as guardians to create strange and funny unfounded theories to justify their religious colonization, for in addition to the political and military western and Zionist colonization, the remnants of an ancient Greek colonizer want to impose on us their nationality or ethnicity, their Greek nationality, even though we speak Arabic, this is just because we belong to the same religious sect that is called by some “The Greek Orthodox sect”, that is what the Byzantines/Greeks/Romans (Al-Roum in Arabic), because at a certain time in ancient history their colonialism passed through our land, and left behind it their name on those who share with them the same sectarian religious ritual, noting that Christianity that originated from our land and passed to Europe including Greece.
The present Greek Patriarch, Dioros I, who is occupying the Jerusalemite Orthodox patriarchal seat in the same manner Zionists occupy Arab Palestine, he is going too far in his claims on the congregation – when he responded on September 2nd 1992 in the Zionist daily, Haaretz, regarding the accusations of his forfeiture and breach of trust for selling Arab Orthodox endowments by saying: “When did Arabs come here (to Palestine)? The Greeks are here since over 2000 years. Arabs came here in the seventh century, this is our church, the church of the Greeks, if they don’t accept our laws they have no choice except choosing another church, or to establish a special church for themselves”. This patriarch is either a lire or ignorant, he tries to look clever. He pretends to forget, like Zionists, that Greeks passed through our land as invaders and colonialists, while Arabs had been in this land since the dawn of history. The Canaanites and the Jabusites are the owners of this land before Greeks and Hebrews passed through it, both are invaders to the land of Palestine.
For the information of his beatitude, the Greek patriarch, who was seated on the Jerusalemite Orthodox patriarchal seat, what Mr. Emile Ghoury wrote on December 5th 2009 in his article entitled “The History of the Orthodox Case; A 500 years Old Struggle” that contains a silencing response to Dioros I, regarding the nationality to which the Arab Orthodox congregation in the lands of southern Syrian, Mr. Ghoury said:
“The Arab Orthodox in natural Syria in general and in Jordan and Palestine in particular… whose origins goes back to the Ghassanites, the Al-Manathrah and At-Taghalibah in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Iraq are pure Arabs.”
Ghoury proceeds saying, “In relation to Jordan and Palestine, the Jerusalemite church was started by Bishop Jacob the Apostle the son of Joseph the carpenter who fell martyr on the hands of the Jews and was followed by his brother Simon (Simaan) who also was martyred by the Jews, he was succeeded on the bishopric of Jerusalem and the Holy Land (That became later a patriarchate) tens of patriarchs the great majority of whom were Arabs, the owners of the country, of who we mention Elia An-Najady who headed the patriarchal seat of Jerusalem on 494 AD, Patriarch Safronios the Damascene 634 AD, and he received the second Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab when he first visited Jerusalem/Al-Quds, Patriarch Yohanna in the year 705 AD who prohibited prayer in churches in any language other than Arabic in addition to Patriarchs Elia II in the year 750 AD, the medical doctor Patriarch Thomas (Touma) in 786 AD, the Jerusalemite Patriarch Elia 868 AD, Patriarch Aghantios from Czarina 983 AD, Patriarch Marcus 1174 AD, Patriarch Joachim 1431 AD, Patriarch Marcus III 1501 and last the Arab Patriarch Attalah who was ordained in 1516, and they are all Arabs Patriarchs.
For further information of the Greek patriarch, Arabs who inhabited Palestine are the decedents of: “Canaanites (Can3) or (Khin3), it is most likely that the first name is from the first grandfather Canaan, who are of the Amorites, who are Arab tribes, which migrated from the Arabian Peninsula, to Northern Syria and Palestine, of whom are the Phoenicians, the Jebusites , Arameans. ASSYRIANS, Babylonians, Hyksos. The original homeland of the Canaanites is the Arabian Peninsula, the lands of Najad, Hijaz and Yamen, and the Canaanites lived in the land of Palestine, the Arameans who lived in the land of Syria, the Phonicians who lived in the land of Lebanon, the Babylonians who lived in the land of Iraq, Mosepotamia, and they are the first to live in today’s land of Palestine, and the city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) since 3500 BC. The land where they lived and established their civilization on what is known as the (Land of Canaan), the most important of their kings are (Salem and Miliki Sadik) and it is clear from their names that they were Arabs.
“The Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism” authored by the late historian Dr. Abdel Wahab Al-Massiri who was threatened by the Zionist Mossad, external secret service of the Zionist entity, to be assassinated if he continues working on it, (Dr. Massiri related this story during a lecture he delivered in Beirut that I was luck to personally attended). Dr. Massiri wrote in his encyclopedia about the names in which Al-Quds was known, “Al-Quds –Jerusalem in Hebrew Yeroushalaim, which was mentioned in the Old Testament more than 680 times. It is a word that was derived from (since the ninth century BC) a Jebusite Canaanite word ‘UrShalim (From the syllable ‘Yara’ meaning ‘establishing’ or ‘Or’ meaning ‘place’ or ‘city’, and syllable ‘sholmano’ or ‘Shalim; or ‘shlem’ who is the Semite God of peace… But in the fourth century Greek writings, it was called ‘ Hierosolyma … and it is called ‘Yabous’ in relation to its inhabitants and founders the Jebusites or Yabosites, who are a phratry or a subdivision of Arab tribe that moved to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula about 2500 BC and occupied the hills overlooking the old city…”

The Byzantine/Roman/Greek presence in our land was ended on the hands of a people to who we belong, namely the Arabs, and Christian Arabs in the Fertile Crescent where there since millennia participated in it to drive out the Byzantine/Greek colonialist, thus Arab nationalism overtook religious sectarianism.
The Arab people in Palestine and Jordan as well as Syria and Lebanon of all its religious sects including the various Christian Arab sects, all of them, with the exception of some minorities that came from outside the Arab homeland and settled in Palestine and its Arab neighborhood, during various periods of time, even those who came with the Crusades (the Europeans – Al-Faranja), even the Armenians who took refuge in Palestine in the early twentieth century were uprooted like Palestinian Arabs from Palestine by the Zionist enemy.
Although the Crusader’s invasion to tne Holly Land started with the beginning of the second millennium under the banner of the cross born by West European so-called Christians, attacking first Constantinople, the capital of the then Eastern Christian Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, to “liberate” the Holly Land, Palestine, but the so-called liberation covered all the east Mediterranean, from “Islamic occupation”. Massacres of those who called themselves “The Crusaders” started with the seat of the Eastern Christian Church, Constantinople, the Byzantines, before reaching the Holly Lands’ capital, Jerusalem, were the their knives didn’t differentiate between Christian and Moslem Arabs. Christians in the Arab homeland then belonged to the eastern church were not invited to join the crusades to fight against their Moslem compatriots, on the contrary they were massacred together.
As for Christians belonging to what is known as Western Churches, which branched from the Arab Orthodox congregation in Palestine and Jordan due to the bad administration and greed of Greek national monks/clergymen who imposed themselves on the fully Arab Orthodox congregation starting at the time of the Ottoman Empire then the British mandate to be followed by Zionist colonialists. Almost all of them starting with monks, archimandrites, bishops and ending with patriarchs, the head of the church, thus monopolizing all leading posts of the church, and the monks vocation, which admits them to the leading posts of the church such as bishop and patriarch that are up till now almost fully monopolized by Greek monks. As thus they control the vast endowments of the church, which as well known are being sold/leased to Zionist colonialists and their money is mostly stolen by the so-called monks.
We are sure that Greek clergymen in Palestine are well informed about the Palestinian Arab cause, and the Zionist colonization and confiscation of the Palestinian Arab land. Their greed for Arab Orthodox endowments as is in the case with privately owned land and real estate, but as for the Arab congregation’s endowments it is impossible to confiscate except by the approval of the Greek monks headed by the patriarch who alternated on the seat and so could control the endowments that were contributed by the Palestinian Arab congregation, and of course not by the Greek monks whose interests was to steal contributions and not to contribute them.
When we know the value of the land and real estate forming the Palestinian Arab Orthodox endowments we recognize why Greek monks make sure to keep their hold of their posts, and refuse to allow the Arab congregation to take part in the clerical leadership of their church.
The vast Palestinian Arab Orthodox endowments in Jerusalem, the rest of Palestine and Jordan form thousands of donums (a measure of land 1000 sq. meters) and real estate – all over Palestine and Jordon – and hundreds of churches, monasteries’ buildings, educational institutions, factories, workshops, houses and complete streets including commercial shops squares etc. As per its official records the Orthodox church owns endowments that conforms 18% of West Jerusalem, 17% of East Jerusalem and 3% of the area of the districts of Lid, Ramleh, Jafa and Haifa including areas of land, monasteries most of which fall in important locations of great value and strategically located, as for Nazareth, it is very difficult to obtain information about the “Bishop’s Palace Land” the area of which is 412 donums (412,000 sq. meters)… that is gone… Patriarch Theodoros leased it to his allies… two or three men from Nazareth, which they handed to “Israelis”, on which they built basis in the neighborhood of Nazareth Elite colony (Jewish).
Nael Sayed Ahmad wrote on 30/5/2011 under the title “The uprising of Christian Arab Orthodox in Jordan and Palestine against the Greek influence on their church”: Dr. Raouf Abu Jaber, President of the Orthodox Council in Jordan and Palestine said, “Christian Arabs are the owners of Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab’s custody, demand the Arabaisation of their holly church, and ask “How can we pray under the control of those who doesn’t know our language and we don’t know theirs?!”
Assad Al-Azzouni said, “Arab Orthodox Christians in Jordan and Palestine proceed with their peaceful intifadah demanding their liberation from a continued Greek control for more than one hundred years, which deprives the congregation of its guardianship, which caused the leakage of most of the Arab Orthodox endowments to Zionists, and hence building Zionist colonies and colonizing establishments on. The central Orthodox Council in Jordan and Occupied Palestine organized a national sit down protest against Greek control in general and in particular against the Greek patriarch’s visit to the town of Fuheis that falls to the west of Amman. The patriarch’s visit aims at restoring his popularity in the Jordanian Christian Orthodox circles after failing to fulfill the obligations he took upon himself to fulfill his duties as a good father to the congregation and protect the congregations’ endowments before his election. His failure to fulfill his promises to the Jordanian Government and the congregation in Amman resulted in the government’s withdrawal of its coverage to him. Unfortunately the visit of the Greek minister of foreign affairs, Dora, to the Jordanian capital made the Jordanian Government to restore its coverage to the patriarch, which was against the interests of the Palestinian and Jordanian Arab people.” We don’t understand, actually we don’t care to understand any justification for what harms our interest as a people and an Arab congregation. Why should politicians of an Arab state have to indulge the Greek minister of foreign affairs against the interests of the Arab people, and the forfeiture of its endowments, especially that there is no benefiter of this action except the Zionist enemy who proceeded with its colonization of the Palestinian Arab land, and there is no financial interest except for the Greek monks, and the colonizers of the Arab Orthodox congregation and endowments.
Abu Jaber said while speaking to a big gathering of believers in the church, “we take pride of belonging to Orthodox patriarchate”. And added, “The length of occupation we are suffering from, that encircled its establishments, and sent its roots down deep into them since over one hundred years”. He asked himself regarding this matter, “Are we, Orthodox Arabs, supposed to only have our demand to get rid of a patriarch to be replaced by somebody who is not better than him?!” (We are sure that Dr. Abu Jaber wanted to say ‘we get a worse patriarch, but he out of politeness said ‘not better’). Abu Jaber listed the names of the six Greek patriarchs who sat on the Jerusalemite patriarchal chair starting with Thiayanos to Timosios to Bendictos to Thioros to Erynios and last Theofolos, none of whom whose regime was not accompanied with stories, scandals, corruption, sale of the congregation’s endowments and stealth of the patriarchate’s fortunes by mercenaries who should have no relation with the patriarchate such as Papa Dimos, whose fame has reached the western and eastern ends of the world. He explained that the holly meeting aims at sending a clear message to Patriarch Thiofolse and bishops members of the Holly Collage, we the congregation who are tightly connected to the church, serving it with belief and love hold them all responsible for the results of their failings that is apparent to all in their attitude that shows from behind their promises and trials to break through the union of the sons of the Arab orthodox congregation, through spreading hateful racist rumors and contempt of the rights of Arab clergy, and the fail to fulfill the conditions of the Jordanian law No. 27 of the year 1958, to which the Greek patriarch and the Moncks resorts to in every detail they need headed by the arrangement for the election of patriarch himself, but they don’t execute its other clauses, explaining that the biggest breaches are represented by the denunciation and thwarting of the principle between the Greek monks and the Arab congregation, and thwarting the principles imposed on the patriarch to call the combined council suggested by his predecessor Theozoros and was approved by the Jordanian Prime Minister on 20/4/1999.
Abu Jaber confirmed, “These big and important violations that the current patriarch is shamelessly and so recklessly committing, noting that, in his election campaign he gave many promises to the government and the congregation namely that he shall be a good, pure, godly, God fearing and well being if he was unanimously elected to mend the spread corruption in the patriarchate when his predecessor Erynios was deposed on 8/5/2005 due to selling the real estate properties of Omar Ben Al-Khattab square in the old city of Jerusalem to Zionist Jews”. Abu Jaber added, “Patriarch Theofolos is trying now to appease the congregation in an old rotten manner, ask them not to request further demands and reminders of promises that he gave during these sleazy meetings and begging for banquets in homes that our people didn’t deny to him, but that didn’t wipe out their indignation with corruption, disorder and negligence that went deep in the Jerusalemite patriarchate, on the contrary matters deteriorated after the firing of Erynios and the taking over of Theofolos of his task as a unanimously elected patriarch. The matter that caused disappointment for the sons of the church who doesn’t look for except the return of their dear patriarchate to the right path, the path to a bright road under a wise fatherly Christian leadership that is not impaired with racism that we see among the lines of Greek Moncks today.

Without doubt, the remissness of Greek monks with the vast Arab endowments especially in Jerusalem that forms as we mentioned above 18% in west Jerusalem and 17% in east Jerusalem during the big Judification operation of our historical city, Jerusalem, which had been going on fast and wide, forms a great strike against Arab resistance against the Judification of Arab Palestine, with the support of the Greek government that is being done today, while not long ago Greece was one of the big supporters of Arab right in Palestine, and refusing to recognition of the Zionist entity, till the present Greek PM arranged for a political coup d’état regarding this matter by George Papandreou, who blames Arabs for not granting financial help during its present bad financial crises.
“Greece always had been known as a great supporter of the Palestinians. Mr. Papandreou’s father, Andreas, was so opposed to Israel that he even had been accused of aiding Palestinian “terrorists” during his tenure in as Greek prime minister in the 1980s.
Not anymore.”
“Relations between the two countries began to change early last year when Mr. Papandreou and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly met by coincidence in Moscow. The Israeli leader is said to have taken the opportunity to voice his concern about Islamic militancy in Turkey, Greece’s great nemesis. The two men became friendly. “
Not anymore.”
“Relations between the two countries began to change early last year when Mr. Papandreou and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly met by coincidence in Moscow. The Israeli leader is said to have taken the opportunity to voice his concern about Islamic militancy in Turkey, Greece’s great nemesis. The two men became friendly. “
The Palestinian Arab struggler, Bishop Atalah Hana, Archbishop of Sabastia for Orthodox Arabs in a speech that forms a national and religious intifadah against the racist Greek colonization of the Arab Palestinian and Jordanian Orthodox church, on the occasion of Whitsunday held at the Nazareth Church of annunciation, in which a big audience of clergymen and members of the congregation participated among who was Bishop Kyriakos (A Greek national) bishop of Nazareth and the rest of the Galilee, in which all the clergymen serving in Nazareth and its surrounding villages took part, the church’s council and its quire although the patriarch issued a order prohibiting Bishop Attalah Hana from performing his duties as the bishop said: “This punitive arbitrariness step that Patriarch Theofolos resorted to is a sign of weakness and not of strength. We regret to say also that his decision to stop me from performing my religious duties for a certain period of time is regrettable, we are very sorry that the patriarch resorts to such a manner in his dealing with us, the Arab clergy. He issued his rule on us without hearing our point of view and without discussing with us the matters the that he raised, which as we believe are not in the interest of the patriarchate, it is a political and not a religious decision, which has no relation with the agreed upon basis and known traditions, and are not customary in church and academic matters. It is not allowed to announce a judgment by default, without allowing the “accused” to defend himself, his stances and the ideas he raised; so we consider this decision as null and void and not legal, and thus we don’t recognize it, and we shall not recognize it, we shall keep on performing our church and clerical duties and perform the holly mass today in this holly church with his beatitude Bishop Kyriakos (A Greek national who sympathizes with the Arab congregation) the clergy, is the best way to express our full refusal of this arbitrary decision this lacks any spiritual and churchly basis. Having this big gathering of priests and members of the congregation is a clear proof that I am not alone who rejects this arbitrary decision, but also this big number of our respected clergymen.”
The Arab nationalist bishop proceeded with his speech, of which we allow ourselves to quote a big part of it because of its importance and it sums up the subject matter of this article, and expresses up the Palestinian Arab struggle against the Greek religious and Zionist and western despotism and political and military colonialism that are complementary to each other, saying: “We confirm our rejection of colonialism and despotism of all their sources and forms, especially when this colonialism bears a religious character and a holly halo. We believe that it is a great misdeed to give colonialism and despotism a spiritual and churchly camouflage to cover the ugly face of this ugly racism. They deal with us with racialism just because we are Arabs, this is our ‘sin’, we tell them that we are 100% Orthodox Christians and 100% Arabs, there is no confusion in our spiritual and national identity, of which we take pride, and when we speak about the matter of Arabaisation we don’t mean racism or mean to be catabolic about the status of any body. We ask why we are criticized by some when we talk about Arabaisation, while it is permissible for others to say that their church is Greek, but it is not allowed for us to say that our church is Arab, and we disregard Greek hegemony over our Arab church?
Here we take the opportunity to explain our understanding of the (word Arabaisation). This word doesn’t mean for us confinement or isolation or we look down on others. Arabaisation simply means the protection of our rights and the rights of our Orthodox sect, and not to be neglected and not to be treated as strangers in our own church. When we speak about Arabaisation we don’t mean enmity to anybody whether they are Greeks or of any other nationality, we mean to protect our presence, belonging and connection to this church, and be allowed to be among those working for it and its spiritual and humanitarian message; so those should stop criticizing the word of Arabaisation because our understanding of the word is cultural, humanitarian and creative, and not isolationist and hate towards others. Somebody wrote in a newspaper that Arabaisation is a word of “truth that means fals”, but I say what is correct is, Arabaisation is a word of truth that meant to be the truth towards others. For us Arabaisation simply means for us is to protect our rights and the rights of the Arab Orthodox congregation, not to disregard us and not to be treated as strangers in our homeland.”
1. The Arab striver bishop proceeded to express his pride in his Arab nationalism that is too far from being a sort of racism, sayng: “I take pride in belonging to the Arab nation, as Greeks take pride in being Greeks, we take pride in our Arabism, and as they have the right to love their Greek homeland, and hold mass in The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the occasion of their Greek national days; so it is our right and duty to love our homeland and celebrate our national days…”
We are quite sure that those in power in the colonialists apartheid Zionist entity bless and support Greek racism against Arab Christians as this fits well with their Zionist colonialism politically and militarily, because that helps them to take control of the Palestinian Arab land, to uproot its Arab indigenous people from it, especially relying on what the patriarch of the Jerusalemite Orthodox seat said, “those who are supposed to be Arabs are actually Arab speaking Greeks”; so if they are Greeks, why does he treats them with racism, and deny them the right to take hold of leading clerical posts in the Orthodox church, as long as they are Greek nationals, and for Zionists it means that we have no right to be in Palestine, this is only, for sure, from the Zionist point of view??!!
It is regrettable that the conditions of the Arab Orthodox church in independent Jordan is not any better than in occupied Palestine by Zionists displaceable and replaceable colonialism. Dr. Abu Jaber said, “Only What is in the interest of Greek monks and not in the interest of the Jordanian Arab people and the Arab Orthodox church property law was applied, but not what is in Arab interest.”
It is necessary to say, or actually expose the lowly behavior of the vast majority of the Greek clergymen.
1. And in another occasion Dr. Abu Jaber said, “I believe that Arabs should give priority to these causes
2. because they occupy a central position in their cause, the Orthodox cause – the paradox – broke out in 1872, when Palestinian Arabs congratulated Bulgars for being for their independence from the Greek church, and liberated from its control.
“When Arabs congratulated the Bulgars for their liberation from the control of the Greek church, the Greek church controlled our Arab Orthodox church…! which took place thanks to the relation of the Ottomans with the “roum” ], with the Greeks in Constantinople.
Regrettably the Ottoman Sultanate was involved in the matter. Every Ottoman ruler who came to Jerusalem was receiving bribes from Grek monks. Every Ottoman Prime Minister (Al-Sadre Al-A’zam) in Istanbul was accused of receiving bribes from the Greek patriarch in Constantinople, from the Orthodox patriarchate of Jerusalem.”
If we ask are the land sale contracts legal, we reply saying yes for sure, but on Zionist basis, ther sole interest is to take control of Palestinian Arab property, and there is no difference whether it is private Arab property or endowments. The interest of the Zionist movement is to lay its hands on Arab lands by means of stealth or by paying incredible prices if stealing is not possible, noting that there are complicated legal arrangement that are taking place for the interest of Zionist settlers/colonizers, and not in the interest of the Orthodox patriarchate in Jerusalem. When relations between Greek monks and Zionist centers was intimate as there was common interests between the two parties, as what is important for Zionists is to take acquisition of Arab land at any cost. But as for Greek monks who are anything but real God fearing and pious devoted monks. They are thieves, and they had mistresses and left behind them bastard off springs since the day they laid foot on the holy land of Palestine, they befouled it with everything that is dissolute and corrupt.
The big case that took place in the regime of Patriarch Erynios, which drove Greek monks to raise hell, and made them depose the patriarch, relying on that he permitted to granting a power of attorney signed by him to a 32 years old chap named Papa Dimis, who sold property belonging to the church worth hundreds of millions of Dollars if not billions, cash the price and run away from the country. How is it possible to do so if the patriarch was not conspiring with Papa Dimis and take the lion’s share of the looting of the Arab Orthodox congregation’s endowment.
It is important to mention in this case that the Greek media severely accused Patriarch Erynios I in this case, as Papa Dimis was convicted for trading in drugs and convicted for 15 years of imprisonment by Greek courts, and accused by the Greek media that he is an agent of the “Israeli” Mossad. He also leased in 2004 a lot of land that is owned by the Orthodox church at the entrance of Bethlehem – Christ’s birth town to “Israeli” Occupation Army for US$ 200,000.—on which a military check point was erected. After signing the deal Papa Dimis left occupied Palestine, and as church sources said he took with him several million dollars from the patriarchate safe, which he was responsible for.
As well known though this deal wasn’t the first of its kind, but it is considered one of the most dangerous, because it was concluded in the Old City of Jerusalem, and its main danger is that the location is Al-Khalil Gate (Hebron) it targets creating an extension of a colony/settlement in that location, and other colonization points in Old Jerusalem, especially in the tannery market; where the building of St. Johns Monastery lies, and opening new colonizing roads towards the Old City, other than these already in existence extending from the “Armenian quarter” up to “Jewish quarter”.
The Greek clergymen who control it, if we don’t say colonize the Arab Orthodox Church, are still doing their best to achieve Zionist goals, the Judification all parts of Jerusalem as well as the rest of Palestine and Palestine’s neighborhood, which is being methodologically and precisely done by the Zionist movement and entity. It is their ultimate goal for a long historical chain, which looks as if the various concerned parties had colluded as a result of its languor in the prevention of ending it, its present cycle touches its eastern part that is still Arab up till now, some Zionist colonizing parties took part in concluding the scenario along with those who imposed themselves on the patriarchate since a century and a half, and hence on the Orthodox church the congregation of which is almost exclusively Arab in Jerusalem the rest of occupied Palestine and Jordan.
Without doubt the Greek clergymen proved with their personal and religious characteristics lack of ethical characteristics, and distance themselves from Christian ideals and deeds as the distance of earth to outer space.
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