السبت، 6 أغسطس 2011

The Hama Affair-How 10,000 Protestors Multiply Overnight to be 500,000 by Belgian journalist Pierre Piccinin

August 4, 2011

How 10,000 Protestors Multiply Overnight to be 500,000

The Hama Affair

By Pierre Piccinin

This July, I travelled to Syria, with the purpose of finding out for myself the origins of the present political conflict.

I was able to roam the country at liberty, from Dera, Damascus, Homs, Hama, Maraat-an-Numan, Jisr-al-Shigur, on the Turkish border, even Deir-ez-Sor, all places where the media had signalled outbursts of violence.

I was able to witness the different internal struggles, some of which were violent and had completely different objectives from those of the democratic pacifists. The Muslim Brotherhood, for example, seeks to bring about an Islamic republic, which in turn terrifies the Christians and most other minorities.

Yet, outside the scope of my research, I was surprised that the image of Syria, portrayed by the Western media as a country undergoing full scale revolution, does not correspond in any way whatsoever to the reality of the situation.

Indeed, the large-scale protest movements have run out of steam, this due in part to the repression, so that these days the protests only number a few hundred at most, usually focused around mosques, bearing the mark of Islamist influence.

Therefore, it is only in the city of Hama, cultural stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood, under a state of siege, that full scale protests are to be found.

Centre of a violent revolt, in 1982, which was crushed by Hafez al-Assad, father of the incumbent President, Hama is today surrounded by heavy armor. This said, the government have decided against a bloodbath, for fear of repercussions from the international community.

On Friday 15 July, I entered Hama. Very quickly I found myself surrounded by the youths in control. Upon presenting my Belgian passport the situation calmed down: ‘Belgicaa! Belgicaa!’; as the only foreign observer on the ground, they escorted me through the protestors. The highlight of which was reaching the top of a high rise, from which I took a series of snapshots, revealing the extent of the debacle. 

On Asidi square, at the bottom of the large El-Alamein Avenue, prayer had finished, to the sound of thousands of people appearing from all across the city, uniting under a shout of defiance ‘Allah Akbar!’

That same night on July 15, I received news feeds from the AFP announcing a million protestors all over Syria, of which 500,000 in Hama alone.

In Hama however, they could not have been more than 10,000.

This ‘information’ was even more absurd due to the fact that the city of Hama counts only 370,000 inhabitants.

Of course, there will always be a margin of error and numbers do vary with sources, estimations are never quite so straightforward.

Yet, in this case, it was not a simple estimation: this is blatant disinformation, propaganda at its finest. 500,000 protestors can shake the very foundations of a regime, 10,000 however are of no consequence.

Furthermore, all the ‘information’ regarding the Syrian situation has been twisted similarly for months now.

So what sources does  AgenceFrancePresse (AFP) cite?

The same which crops up systematically throughout the media and has now become a monopoly in its own right, regarding the Syrian protests: the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

Behind this superficial veneer of respectability and professionalism, hides a political organisation based in London, its president none other than Rami Abdel Raman, a man who has consistently sided against the Baath regime, who is loosely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Therefore, for many months now, the Western media have diffused an edited reality, corrected by a single source which nobody has deemed it necessary, it seems, to question.

This portrayal of a Syria in full scale revolution and of a Baath party on the brink do not correspond in any way whatsoever to the reality of the situation; that the government hold control and what is left of the protests have in effect splintered and become considerably marginalized.

However, the consequences of this latest case of disinformation regarding Syria are far reaching: the lessons of Timisoara, the Gulf War or events in Yugoslavia haven’t been learned. Still, European media continue to be lured into basing reports on loosely assembled news reports and risk depicting a virtual reality for their readers/viewers.

Yet, when the media fail their duty of assembling genuine information, it is democracy itself which is in danger.

Pierre Piccinin is  a professor of history and political science in Brussels.

الخميس، 4 أغسطس 2011

القرصنة القبرصية... وعلى الباغي تدور الدوائر

القرصنة القبرصية... وعلى الباغي تدور الدوائر

أديب قعوار

أتتنا الأخبار في 11 تموز 2011  من الجارة الصديقة سابقاً، الجمهورية القبرصية، أن انفجارا وقع في الساعات الأولى من صباح الحادي عشر من تموز الجاري في 98 حاوية تحتوي على بارود مدافع ومخزنة في معسكر إيفانغلبوس فلوراكيس بالقرب من مدينة لارناكا الجنوبية، وقد نتج عن الانفجار، مع الأسف الشديد، مقتل 12 شخصاً من بينهم قائد القوات البحرية وقائد القاعدة العسكرية، وإصابة 62 بالإضافة إلى أضرار جسيمة وتعطيل خدمتي الماء والكهرباء، كما دفعت نائب رئيس الأركان ووزير الدفاع إلى الاستقالة.

الفضية أن جمهورية قبرص الصديقة السابقة للعرب صادرت من على متن سفينة إيرانية شحنة من الأسلحة متوجهة كما قيل إلى سوريا من إيران بادعاء الحظر الدولي على الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية، نتيجة للتحريض الأمريكي الصهيوني، وكليهما تمتلكان إحدى أكبر الترسانات للأسلحة النووية في العالم  وإنتاجها بحجة الخطر الذي تشكله على المجتمع الدولي، وبحجة أن إيران تسعى إلى إنتاج أسلحة نووية وذلك حسب زعمهما يشكل تهديدا للأمن العالمي،علماً أن أبران أثبتت أن منشآتها النووية تعمل للإنتاج النووي السلمي، بينما الكيان الصهيوني يهدد العالم كرابع قوة عسكرية في العالم إن لم تغض النظر عن ذلك فهي تشجع الكيان الصهيوني على غطرستها وتهديدها للوطن العربي بالحروب والدمار وإرجاعنا إلى الوراء عشرين عاماً إلى الوراء على أقل تعديل!!!

منذ مطلع استقلالها وتبوء المطران الوطني المناضل الكبير المطران مكاريوس موقع رئاسة الجمهورية الوليدة بعد نضال طويل ضد الاستعمار البريطاني والدولة الناشئة تتعاطف مع الشعوب المناضلة في سبيل الحرية والاستقلال، وخصوصاً مع النضال العربي الفلسطيني مثلها مثل شقيقتها الكبرى في ذلك الحين اليونان التي كانت من آخر الدول التي اعترفت بالكيان الصهيوني.

ولكن ما الذي حدث حتى انقلبت الأوضاع والتحالفات والصداقات فبعد أن كان اليونانيون في دولتيهما اليونان وقبرص انتقل الوضع من الصداقة مع العرب والجفاء مع الكيان الصهيوني انعكست الأمور وتغيرت الأدوار. فبالإضافة إلى مصادرة الشحنة الإيرانية تمنع السفن التي تحمل المؤيدين الأمريكيين والأوروبيين للشعب العربي الفلسطيني ولكسر الحصار الصهيوني الميت على قطاع غزه من الإبحار إليها لدعم المليون والستمائة ألف فلسطيني الذين يعيشون تحت الحصار الصهيوني المميت منذ عملية الرصاص المسكوب. عملية الرصاص المسكوب أودت بحياة ما يزيد على 1400 إنسان فلسطيني  ثلثهم تقريبا من ًالأطفال والقصر إلى المسنين رجالاً ونساء وبعض المقاومين وحوالي المائتين من الشباب الذين كانوا يستعدون للمشاركة في حفل التخرج من أكاديمية الشرطة.

بلا شك أن للتحول اليوناني والقبرصي من التحالف مع العرب وتأييدهم ضد العدو الصهيوني إلى الضفة الأخرى النقيصة، قد يكون لذلك ما يبرره بنظر الصديقين السابقين، ولكن في ذلك تعارض مع المبادئ والمصالح لهما على المدى البعيد. ولكن يجب على اليونانيون في  الجمهورية القبرصية وشقيقتها اليونانية الأكبر اليونان أن تتنبهان لما أدى إليه الحلف الصهيوني التركي من نزاع كبير بين الفريقين بدأه الصهاينة، فمجرد غضب الأتراك نتيجة المجازر الصهيونية التي اقترفت في عزة أن تابع العدو الصهيوني الذي لا يقيم لحلفائه وزن غطرسته وفجوره، فالأتراك الذين فتحوا الأجواء والأراضي التركية لتصبح العمق الإستراتيجي الذي لا يعوض للكيان الصهيوني عرفوا مدى التقيد الصهيوني بمبادئ الأحلاف، فالحليف بالنسبة للعدو الصهيوني يجب أن يكون عبد مأمور ويجب أن ينصاع للأوامر وإلا. ألم يطبق العدو الصهيوني ذلك، أ \ليس ذلك ما طبقه على تركيا بذبح تسعة من الشباب الأتراك بدم بارد ولا يزال يرفض حتى نجرد الاعتذار?! ليس هذا فقط بل طبقه حتى على حليفته الأعظم، الولايات المتحدة بالذات التي همها الأول والأكبر أمن "إسرائيل" ولو على حساب شعبها بالذات!!!

أعلينا أن نأسف للمأساة الكبيرة التي حلت بقبرص نتيجة لقرصنتها للسلاح المفروض به أن يحد من الغطرسة الصهيونية مع علمنا بأن ما قامت به قبرص واليونان هو أيضاً نتيجة لرضوخهما للضغوط الأمريكية لحماية ومصلحة الكيان الصهيوني.

Cypriot Hijacking: Against the transgressor results shall befall

Cypriot Hijacking: Against the transgressor results shall befall
By: Adib S. Kawar

The news we received on July 11th 2011 from the neighboring ex friend, the Cypriot Republic, that a big explosion took place in the early hours of morning of the same day in 98 containers containing gunpowder stored in the Cypriot military camp of Evanglopolis Florakis near the southern sea and air port city of Larnaka, regrettably resulting in the death of 12 people among whom was the commander of naval forces and the that of the naval base, in addition to injuring 62 others, in addition to major damages, stopping of water and electricity services and the resignation of the minister of defense and the chief of staff.

The case is that Cyprus the former friend of the Arabs, hijacked from on board of an Iranian ship a shipment of weapons that, as said, are supposed to have been forwarded to Syria from Iran, on the basis of claims of an international embargo on the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a result of a Zionist and American instigations, noting that both of whom own the biggest arsenals of nuclear weapons in the world and installations to produce them, and their claim too that Iran intends to produce nuclear weapons, which forms a threat to international peace, noting that Iran proved that its installations are planned for peaceful purposes, while the Zionist entity owns the fourth biggest army in the world and forms a big threat to world peace with its big arsenal of nuclear weapons, which the United states if not simply overlooks it encourages and arms our Zionist enemy with the most sophisticated arms and weapons and encourages it to wage its most destructive wars and proceed with its arrogance. The Zionist entity threatens the security of the Arab homeland through a continued and endless series of wars causing material destruction casualties, to put us, as it continuously announces, back twenty years!!!

Since its independence and the holding of Archbishop Macarious the Cypriot presidential office after a long struggle against British colonialism, the young state had been sympathizing with the peoples of the world still struggling for their independence and liberty, especially with Palestinian Arabs the same as its older Greek sister, which was one of the last states that recognized the Zionist entity.

But what happened that made alliances and friendships break  between the two Greek states, Greece and Cyprus, with Arabs and come to an end, and alliance with the rogue Zionist entity develop?? Relations interchanged. In addition to hijacking the Iranian ship and confiscating the weapons on board, American and European ships carrying sympathizers with Gazans under Zionist siege are  hijacked.  They are denied to proceed with their trip to Palestine in support of the one million and six hundred thousand Palestinian Arabs  living under a deadly siege since the Cast lead operation. This Zionist operation resulted in the slaughtering of 1,417 Palestinian Arabs and 13 Israeli deaths. Of the slaughtered Gazawies about one third of them were infants, old men and women some while raising white flags, police cadets gathered with their families for their graduation ceremony at the police academy were air raided, quoting Wikipedia  “The IDF tallied 709 Hamas and affiliated militant deaths… The IDF made clear that it regards police under the control of Hamas in Gaza to be inherently equivalent to armed fighters, including them in the militant's count.[332] Then what about the millions of imported so-called Jews who were trained and armed to assassinated or uprooted Palestinian Arabs to steal their land and fortunes!!??

No doubt the change of Greek and Cypriot friendship with Arabs to the other bank, their support to the Zionist enemy could be justified by the former friends of the Arabs by one mean or another, but there is a definite contradiction with principles and interests for them in the long run. But Greeks in Cyprus and its big sister, Greece, should be aware of the end results of the Zionist Turkish alliance, for just as the Turks expressed their anger against the Zionist entity because of the genocide they committed in the tiny Gaza strip, the Zionist enemy that doesn’t set importance for their friends and allies proceeded with their arrogance and recklessness, for even though Turks opened their indispensable  air space and land space to become a strategic depth for the Zionist entity, should know to what extent this so-called “ally” would adhere with the principles alliances. An ally for the Zionist entity should act as a slave, and abide with its orders or else. Didn’t the Zionist entity apply this with their cold-bloodedly slaughtering nine Turks on board of the unarmed Avi Marmara and still even refuse just to apology to the “Turkish ally”?! That is not all, Zionists apply that to its great ally, the United States of America, whose sole worry is “Israel’s” security even against its people’s interests.

Do we have to be sorry for the big tragedy that befell Cyprus as a result to its hijacking the weapons that are supposed to help in putting an end to the Zionist arrogance , noting that what Greece and Cyprus did is due to abiding to US pressure, for the protection and interest of the “Zionist ally”.

Greece & Israel & Cyprus/ Cultural Commercial and Industrial Cooperation

A new song for Gaza

Archive for the 'Adib S. Kawar' Category

A new song for Gaza

By the Falk poet: Ahmad Fouad Hassan

Translated by: Adib S. Kawar

May God help you O Ghazawis
The pain of the Arab nation you are…
Neither Abbas nor Hamas you are…
Palestine is the cause…
May God help you O Ghazawis
The God damned ruled us…
And the other betrayed and sold us…
To the broker and Zionism…
May God help you O Ghazawis…
You alone were left…
May God victory grant you and lead you…
And your enemy’s state He may demolish for you…
Days are passing and others coming…
May God help you O Ghazawis
In the name of God you shall divert not from our goal…
O you traitor and defaced…
Babies of hunger died…
and the thirsty water can’t find…
May God help you O Ghazawis
O God for the most beautiful of words…
People wake up and states sleep…
Meaning your verso becomes the front…
O you Arab a car you rode…
May God help you O Ghazawis…
The Falk Poet Revolutionary
Ahmad Fouad Najem
The revolutionary hero… Inspirer of the masses… The beloved poet…
May God keep, and give him a long life…
The great French poet, Lois Aragone, said:
“He has the strength that pulls down city walls…”
Poet Ali Ara3i called him:
“The man the gun…”
Anwar As-Sadat called him:
“The obscene poet” (Coming from As-Sadat would be a complement) Called: “The last of the respected paupers, the poet of muddling of public security”

Steve Jobs is a biological Arab-American with roots in Syria / Abdul Fattah Jandali

Steve Jobs is a biological Arab-American with roots in Syria / Abdul Fattah Jandali

ADIB04 (2) (2)

                 Adib S. Kawar                                                                                Abdul Fattah Jandali

Inaugurating the 2st Arab book exhibition

Al-Orwah Al-Wathka 1952

February 28, 2011 8:41 pm Post a comment

By Mohannad Al-Haj Ali

Steve Jobs is the founder of App


le, Pixar, and NeXT Computer

Steve Jobs, arguably the most influential CEO in the world, is the biological son of an Arab American who was born in Homs, Syria, and studied at the American University of Beirut.

With accolades that include CEO of the decade and person of the year, Steve Jobs is routinely voted one of the most influential and powerful people in the world. He catapulted Apple to the world’s leading technology company through the iPod revolution and innovations that followed such as the iPhone and the iPad. The creative mind of Steve Jobs is often chronicled, including his life story as the adopted child of a modest American family.

What most fail to realize is that his living biological father is of Syrian origin. Abdul Fattah “John” Jandali emigrated to the United States in the early 1950s to pursue his university studies. Most media outlets have published little about Jandali, other than to say he was an outstanding professor of political science, that he married his girlfriend (Steve’s mother) and by whom he also had a daughter, and that he slipped from view following his separation from his wife.

An American historian, however, has now stirred controversy over the role of genes and their superiority over nurture in the case of Steve Jobs, by describing Jandali in a detailed critical article published briefly on the Internet before it was suddenly removed, as “the father of invention”, given that Jandali’s daughter Mona (Simpson) – Steve’s sister – is also one of the most famous contemporary American novelists and a professor at University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).

The 79-year-old Jandali has deliberately kept his distance from the media.What is known about him lacks detail, and is both one-sided and a source of curiosity at the same time. Here is his story as Jandali himself told it to Al-Hayat.

Jandali in Syria

Abdul Fattah Jandali was born in 1931 to a traditional family in Homs, Syria. His father did not reach university, but was a self-made millionaire who owned “several entire villages”, according to his son. His father held complete authority over his children, authority not shared by his traditional and “obedient” wife.

“My father was a self-made millionaire who owned extensive areas of land which included entire villages,” Jandali said. “He had a strong personality and, in contrast to other parents in our country, my father did not reveal his feelings towards us, but I knew that he loved me because he loved his children and wanted them to get the best university education possible to live a life of better opportunities than he had, because he didn’t have an education. My mother was a traditional Muslim woman who took care of the house and me and my four sisters, but she was conservative, obedient, and a housewife. She didn’t have as important a part in our upbringing and education as my father. Women from my generation had a secondary role in the family structure, and the male was in control.”

The American University

Jandali did not stay long in Syria. “I left for Beirut when I was 18 to study at the American University, and I spent the best years of my life there,” he said.

He was a pan-Arabism activist, and his star soon began to shine. He headed an intellectual and literary society which had a nationalist bent and counted among its members symbols of the Arab nationalists’ movements such as George Habash, Constantine Zareeq, Shafiq Al-Hout and others.

“I was an activist in the student nationalist movement at that time,” he said. “We demonstrated for the independence of Algeria and spent three days in prison. I wasn’t a member of any particular party but I was a supporter of Arab unity and Arab independence. The three and a half years I spent at the American University in Beirut were the best days of my life. The university campus was fantastic and I made lots of friends, some of whom I am still in contact with. I had excellent professors, and it’s where I first got interested in law and political science.”

The university’s Campus Gate magazine published in its 2007 spring issue an article by Tousef Shabal in which he says: “The Al-Urwa Al-Wuthqa Association was founded in 1918 and dedicated to cultural and political activities. Between 1951 and 1954 the society was headed by Abdul Fattah Jandali, the now deceased Eli Bouri, Thabit Mahayni and Maurice Tabari. The decision to disband the society was taken after the events of March 1954…” a reference to the violent demonstrations that took place on the university campus against the Baghdad Pact.

According to Shabal, the society consisted of “diverse political groups such as Arab nationalists and communists, and competition for the managing positions was red hot, but in the end went in favor of the Arab nationalists.”

When Jandali graduated from the American University in Beirut, Syria was going through troubled political and economic times, according to Jandali, and although he wanted to study law at Damascus University and become a lawyer, his father did not agree, saying that there were “too many lawyers in Syria”.

He continued: “Then I decided to continue my higher studies in economy and political sciences at the United States where a relative of mine, Najm Al-Deen Al-Rifa’i, was working as a delegate of Syria to the United Nations in New York. I studied for a year at Columbia University and then went to Wisconsin University where I obtained grants that enabled me to earn my master’s and doctorate. I was interested in studying the philosophy of law and analysis of law and political sciences, and I focused in my studies at the American University on international law and the economy.”

The birth of Steve and Mona

While studying in Wisconsin, Jandali met Joanne Carole Sciebele by whom he had a boy while they were both still students, but Sciebele’s father was conservative and wouldn’t agree to them getting married, so she gave her baby boy – Steve Jobs – up for adoption.


Mona Simpson is the author of five books of fiction: My Hollywood, Off Keck Road, A Regular Guy, The Lost Father and Anywhere But Here.

Initially, a lawyer and his wife approached, but did not proceed with adoption when they found out the child was a boy and not a girl as they wanted. Another couple came forward, neither of whom had gone through university education, and adopted the newborn baby after agreeing to the mother’s condition that the child be given a university education later in life.

Abdul Fattah (who added “John” to his name) returned and married Sciebele, and they had a daughter and named her Mona, but he then traveled to Syria – part of the United Arab Republic at the time – intending to enter the diplomatic corps.

The United Arab Republic

“I had two basic paths open to me after graduating,” Jandali said. “Either go back to my home country and work with the Syrian government, or stay in the United States and in university education, and that is what I did for a while. I went back to Syria when I got my doctorate, and I thought I’d be able to find work in the government, but that didn’t happen. I worked as a manager at a refinery plant in my hometown of Homs for a year, during which Syria was part of the United Arab Republic and run by the Egyptians. Egyptian engineers, for example, ran the Ministry of Energy in Syria, and the situation wasn’t right for me, so I went back to the United States to rejoin education there.”

According to Jandali, his wife decided to break up with him while he was away in Syria, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his academic work.

“I enjoyed university education very much, it was a rewarding profession, but unfortunately during the sixties and seventies in the United States the pay was very poor for academics, and in general they did not enjoy great respect due to the prevailing belief that professors only taught because they couldn’t do anything else. That is stupid and wrong, of course. I was an assistant professor at Michigan University then at Nevada University. I purchased a restaurant and became interested in making money, and I gave up academic work to run the business. After the restaurant I was a manager at companies and organizations in Las Vegas, and then I opened two restaurants in Reno and joined the organization that I manage today.”

Jandali describes himself as an “idealist”. “Any job I want to do, I try my utmost to see it through completely or not do it at all. Academically, I was very successful. In business management, after a couple of difficult years, I improved. For example, now I run the organization I work in. Success in the world of business requires you to be interested in your assistants and staff and to have a clear vision.”

80 years: No to retirement

Jandali is that rare case of a person continuing work beyond the age of retirement, and it is something he is proud of.

“Next March I’ll be in my eighties, but to look at me you’d think I was only in my sixties because I’ve taken care of myself, looked after my health, and I love work. I think retirement is the worst of western societies’ institutions. When people retire they become detached, grow old and stop looking after themselves. Enthusiasm for life dies out and energy levels drop, and they effectively kill themselves, even though they’re still alive. I’m not planning to retire even if I leave my position here after a year or two. I’ll dedicate myself to writing, I might write a book or two. My daughter is a very successful novelist with five books, and I plan to move on from my work, and I’m thinking of writing about the Arab World, perhaps a historical narrative with analysis for the future.”

But even so, Jandali has not been to Syria for over 35 years. “Not because I don’t want to, but because of the worry which affects an emigrant when he wants to go back to his home country after so many years, and over what might await him there. I’m thinking of visiting Lebanon and Abu Dhabi next summer to see relatives,” he said.

He doesn’t hide his nostalgia. “I miss my family in Syria. When I left, my closest relatives were still alive. I miss my culture and society and the tight social bonds between relatives as well as the standard of living. Here in the United States there is technological advancement and abundant opportunities for growth and work, but it’s not life itself, and while one appreciates the individual freedoms in western societies, there are times when you really feel that you are alone, that you don’t have the moral family support that you have in the east. I’m not talking about one’s mother or father, but the wider family, relatives, that entity that makes you feel you are part of it, that’s what I miss most about my home country. Of course I miss the social life and wonderful food, but the most important thing is the outstanding cultural attributes which in general you don’t find in the West.

“If I had the chance to go back in time, I wouldn’t leave Syria or Lebanon at all. I would stay in my home country my whole life. I don’t say that out of emotion but out of common sense. I think I’ve wasted my energies and talents in the wrong place and in the wrong society. But that’s just theoretical talk, and what’s happened has happened.” So what remains of his Syrian identity and Arabic culture after nearly 60 years in America?

“I’m a non-practicing Muslim and I haven’t been on the Haj, but I believe in Islam in doctrine and culture, and I believe in the family. I have never experienced any problem or discrimination in the United States because of my religion or race. Other than my accent which might sometimes suggest that I’m from another country, I have completely integrated in society here. I advise young Arabs coming here, however, to get a university degree and not prolong their stay, as there are lots of opportunities in the Arab World today, particularly in the Gulf. The good minds of the Arab world must stay there, as they might be able to help their countries there more than they can here.

Father of invention

Responding to his being called the “father of invention”, Jandali says: “My daughter Mona is a famous writer, and my biological son is Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple. The reason he was put up for adoption was because my girlfriend’s father was extremely conservative and wouldn’t let her marry me, and she decided to give him up for adoption. Steve is my biological son, but I didn’t bring him up, and he has a family that adopted him. So if it’s said that I’m the ‘father of invention’, then that’s because my biological son is a genius and my daughter a brilliant writer. I thank God for my success in life, but I’m no inventor.

“I think that if my son Steve had been brought up with a Syrian name he would have achieved the same success. He has a brilliant mind. And he didn’t finish his university studies. That’s why I think he would have succeeded whatever his background. I don’t have a close relationship with him. I send him a message on his birthday, but neither of us has made overtures to come closer to the other. I tend to think that if he wants to spend time with me he knows where I am and how to get hold of me.

“I also bear the responsibility for being away from my daughter when she was four years old, as her mother divorced me when I went to Syria, but we got back in touch after 10 years. We lost touch again when her mother moved and I didn’t know where she was, but since 10 years ago we’ve been in constant contact and I see her three times a year. I organized a trip for her last year to visit Syria and Lebanon and she went with a relative from Florida. I always take the side of the mother because the son will always be happiest with his mother.

I’m proud of my son and his accomplishments, and of my work. Of course I made mistakes, and if I could go back in time I would have put some things right. I would have been closer to my son, but all’s well that ends well. Steve Jobs is one of the most successful people in America, and Mona is a successful academic and novelist.”

On the likelihood of Steve Jobs being regarded as an “American-Arab”, Jandali says: “I don’t think he pays much attention to these gene-related things. People know that he has Syrian origins and that his father is Syrian, that’s all well-known. But he doesn’t pay attention to these things. He has his own distinctive personality and he’s highly-strung. People who are geniuses can do what they want.”

Al Hayat

Land Theft with False Justifications

Land Theft with False Justifications
 by Adib Kawar


July 1, 2009

Arabs call the very Zionist Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, "Nitin ya ho" that is "O you the dirty", but we disagree to a certain extent, because unlike other Zionist politicians, he at least speaks his dirty plans out in the open and says what is going in his head. He openly declares his plans about stealing all of Palestine’s land, and in the end he wants to complete the Zionist ethnic cleansing project that started in 1948, and still continues up to this date, other Zionist politicians were doing the dirty work while giving a form of sweet talk.

But Netanyahu, like other Zionist leaders. on the other hand is relying on the power of the might of arms and declared his plans for completing land theft that was initiated by his so-called leftist predecessors, under unjustifiable excuses, which is like all the Zionist project, with what he called "natural growth"!!! The joke is natural growth of what? He and his fellow Zionist colonialist racist thieves are talking about Zionist colonies that are being built on the 1967 the West Bank land, occupied by the Zionist military forces stationed in the 1948 occupied land and which the enemy forged its named from Palestine into "The State of Israel"!!!
News agencies wrote  "139,000 dunums from Jerusalem’s land shall be confiscated for expending "Maaleih Adomim". It is trying to fool Obama: Freezing colonization for three months!!! 139, 000 dunums to be further stolen to be added to the biggest colony already built on East Jerusalem land which is a part of the occupied West Bank, is this also what Netanyahu calls "natural growth" when many of its completed housing units are not inhabited?!

The Zionist entity forestalled the meeting between its minister of war, Ehud Barak, with the U.S. Presidential special emissary for Middle East, George Mitchell, in New York, and leaked a proposition that ordains the freezing of all settlement activities for a period of three months, with the exception of 200 housing units in the West Bank and Jerusalem, which shall include "natural growth". At the time "Israeli" newspaper "Yadiout Ahronaut" wrote information in this matter, but explained what Barak shall suggest that the freezing shall not include work in 2,000 housing units that are under construction in the West Bank, as well as proceeding in building colonies in East Jerusalem.

The United States, the rest of the western world, the so-called "moderate Arab regimes" and of course the Zionist entity insist on that Hamas government to recognize all previous agreements that "The Palestinian Authority" that had previously accepted and recognized including the "Quartet" (the U.S., E.U., Russia, and the U.N.) in 2003.

The Central Conference of American Rabbis, which represents nearly 2,000 Reform rabbis, including a significant percentage of Brit Tzedek supporters issued a statement in support of President Obama's call for "a complete freeze on settlements", including natural growth, as "in the best interest of the United States, of the State of Israel, and of peace." in answer to the question of What is U.S. and Israeli policy on "natural growth"?  said: The U.S. and Israeli governments agreed to freeze "all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements)," in Phase One of the Road Map to Peace, signed by Israel, the Palestinian Authority, the "Quartet" (the U.S., E.U., Russia, and the U.N.) in 2003. 

But according to Israeli officials, however, the Bush administration, (Former president George W. Bush gave himself the right to rule that the Zionist entity could annex all major blocks of colonies already built in the West Bank!!!) had an oral agreement with Israel that building could continue within the boundaries of certain settlement blocs — under the condition that no new land was expropriated, no special economic incentives were offered, and no entirely new settlements were built.  Former Bush administration officials have given conflicting accounts of these discussions. The Obama administration has said that it will not be bound by informal oral agreements for which Israel can produce no record. In reference to the signed Road Map agreement, the current administration insists that a "settlement freeze" means a complete cessation of all new building in settlements, with no exceptions. 

On the other hand the Central Conference of American Rabbis reads in answer to: "Is all settlement expansion for purposes of "natural growth"?

Not to date. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, 63% of population growth in the settlements in 2007 resulted from "natural growth" (the excess of births over deaths) and 37% of the growth came from immigration (the excess of newcomers moving in over those moving out). Bottom line, there are today more than 50,000 additional settlers living in the West Bank than at the time that the Sharon government signed the Road Map to Peace in 2003."

d proceeds saying: "Overall, the annual population growth in settlements, at 5.6 percent, far outstrips the Israeli average of 1.8 percent. The settlements' disproportionately high level of state-supported building and other subsidized services compared with most regions of Israel has long been used a state-backed incentive to encourage Israelis with or aiming to have large families to relocate to these communities. It's worth noting that within the internationally recognized borders of Israel, there is no such government commitment to provide economical housing for adult Jewish children wishing to remain in the community in which their parents live, nor to provide larger homes for expanding Jewish families."

We take the liberty of quoting long sectors of the article of the "Israeli" journalist and not an Arab enemy of the Zionist entity that was established on his own land: Akiva Eldar, Haaretz Correspondent wrote in an article entitled: "What about the Arabs' natural growth? http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1092430.html

"Maybe it is no coincidence that the government spokespeople insist on describing the homes for "sons returning from the army" rather than homes for young couples, or students. Someone might dare to check the housing situation in Arab villages or East Jerusalem, whose residents actually on Israeli soil? as opposed to the settlers."

Eldar added: "Figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics during the years 2006-2007 (the 2008 statistics are not yet available) reveal that natural growth is a matter of geography, and especially of religion and nationality. In terms of housing, the settlers are not the most deprived sector in 'greater Israel’. Their rate of natural growth stands at 3.2 percent per year, which accounts for only a part of the population growth in the settlements, which stood at 4.3 percent. The remaining growth can be attributed to "immigration" from within Israel and from abroad." 

Eldar further added: "According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the construction of 2,200 apartments was completed in 2006 in the settlements, which boasted 271,000 residents at the time. This number, 2,200, is similar to the number of apartments that were built within the same time frame in the districts of Jerusalem (882,000 residents), and Haifa (869,000 residents). During the same year, the Housing Ministry offered 390 housing units to the entire Arab sector in Israel, whose rate of natural growth is only slightly lower than that of the settlers (2.6 percent to the settlers' 3.2 percent). The rate of natural growth among Israeli Jews in general stands at 1.6 percent."

 As Eldar wrote re facilities granted by the only democracy in the Middle East to its "Israeli Arab" citizens they receive, if any, promises but only if any a fraction is executed of building or what is budgeted examples:

·        In August of last year, the Housing Ministry promised in a letter to Arab rights group Musawa that 1,800 housing units would be built in 15 Arab villages and towns. In 2000 the government adopted a plan to build 50,000 apartments for Arab Israelis within five years. The plan was never carried out and the housing crisis in the Arab sector is getting worse and worse.

 ·        Research conducted by Musawa revealed that in 80 percent of the Arab towns there were absolutely no approved housing plans. In 2007, only 21 percent of the budget allocated to housing for minorities was actually used. The result is unauthorized construction by Arab residents, which prompt the government to issue demolition orders, and contribute to crowding. (The density of the Jewish population is 0.84 people per room, while in the Arab sector it is 1.43 people per room).

·        "Israel, which takes such good care of the settlers' natural growth, is trying to fight against our natural growth because we are a 'demographic threat'," said Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (Ra'am-Ta'al)

 But official figures, compiled by human rights groups, show that the housing situation of Israeli Arabs is much better than that of the Palestinians in East Jerusalem: although the number of Palestinian Arabs increased almost four times from 69,000 to 270,000, which requires the construction of a minimum 1,500 housing units, the Zionist municipality of occupied Jerusalem gave between 1992 and 2001 authorised the building of 400 hundred units per year, "The result: Illegal construction and demolition orders".

 than 600 government subsidized homes were built in the Palestinian sector, the last of which was built 30 years ago." And, "Only 13% of the land Israel annexed from the West Bank into Jerusalem is available to the Palestinian population. The lands that were annexed were mainly used to house 50,000 apartments for Jews."

In what is known as zone "C" of the occupied West Bank in which 150,000 Palestinian Arabs live in on their own property "Between 2000 and 2007 only 91 construction permits were issued there, accounting for 5.6% of the requests filed by Palestinians. The result: housing crisis, illegal construction and demolition orders."

The Zionist goal is understood and very clear, the Zionist entity under all its governments and ruling parties and coalitions are trying to strangle Palestinian Arabs in their own occupied land and force them to commit self transfer til Palestine is free of its Palestinians; so as to become only a "Jewish state".

Greeks, Arabs, The Zionist Entity And the Arab Orthodox Sect: An Arab Nationalist Battle

Greeks, Arabs, The Zionist Entity
And the Arab Orthodox Sect:
An Arab Nationalist Battle
By: Adib S. Kawar

Assafir Beiruti Arabic language daily wrote: http://www.al-ayyam.com/znews/site/template/article.aspx?did=22234 : : : &date=6/19/2005: “The very strong shake the Orthodox Church is witnessing during the last few months and is still open for various probabilities, is not new as some believe, on the contrary, it had been going on for long years when the smell of selling and/or leasing the properties (endowment) of the Palestinian Arab Orthodox Church since the leasing of Jaffa’s grave yard… to be followed by St. John’s Monastery… etc.

“But what is new in it is the “timing”. Corruption’s roots went deep in the heart of the Orthodox Patriarchate for long years, and possibly since the Ottoman Empire had brought its Greek citizens to become responsible for Arab Orthodox Church in Jerusalem and the Holly Land, to annoy Russians with whom the Ottoman Government was in dispute with. The price was “colonizing the Palestinian Arab Orthodox congregation” by two colonizing powers, Ottomans and Greeks, and if the first had come to an end with the collapse of the “Ottoman Empire” (to be followed by British colonialism that left after finishing the task that it came to our homeland to accomplish… establishing the worse and more harmful, )the Zionist displacing and replacing colonization), the other is the Greek religious colonization that is still there in existence and cooperating with Zionist colonialism… Regional relations with Greece played a role in the continuity of the colonialism that utilizes religion, the church and the protocols of the Ottoman Empire as a cover for its continuity.

“Interests differed between the Zionist entity, Jordan and PLO throughout the past decades, but they intersected at one point that is the basing of this colonization on various considerations, the axis of which is the relation with Greece, and the possibility of exploiting the Greek clergy by the Zionist entity, thus achieving an indirect control over the Orthodox Church, which owns vast lots of land and a real estate all over Palestine. As thus the struggle in its basis is between a colonized congregation that is subjected by Greeks in addition to a Zionist occupation and with Greek controllers… and any solutions that exceed this fact is nothing but has a drugging effect.”

It is most surprising that the Palestinian Arab people and their Jordanian brethren who belong to the Arab Orthodox sect to be afflicted with religious colonialism, as in addition to the Ottoman then the British that was followed by Zionist colonialism is with what could equate them colonialism wise by the religious authority imposed on the Palestinian Arab congregation in occupied Palestine and Jordan on various domains.

It is surprising, which is actually quite surprising and strange that Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs who belong to the Arab Orthodox sect be afflicted in addition to religious colonization imposed on the Arab Orthodox congregation with what could be equal to it colonization wise, for in addition to Ottoman colonization that was followed by British colonization which brought along Zionist colonization to inherit it to complete its “message” in various fields.

What is quite strange, of those who imposed themselves on us as guardians to create strange and funny unfounded theories to justify their religious colonization, for in addition to the political and military western and Zionist colonization, the remnants of an ancient Greek colonizer want to impose on us their nationality or ethnicity, their Greek nationality, even though we speak Arabic, this is just because we belong to the same religious sect that is called by some “The Greek Orthodox sect”, that is what the Byzantines/Greeks/Romans (Al-Roum in Arabic), because at a certain time in ancient history their colonialism passed through our land, and left behind it their name on those who share with them the same sectarian religious ritual, noting that Christianity that originated from our land and passed to Europe including Greece.

The present Greek Patriarch, Dioros I, who is occupying the Jerusalemite Orthodox patriarchal seat in the same manner Zionists occupy Arab Palestine, he is going too far in his claims on the congregation – when he responded on September 2nd 1992 in the Zionist daily, Haaretz, regarding the accusations of his forfeiture and breach of trust for selling Arab Orthodox endowments by saying: “When did Arabs come here (to Palestine)? The Greeks are here since over 2000 years. Arabs came here in the seventh century, this is our church, the church of the Greeks, if they don’t accept our laws they have no choice except choosing another church, or to establish a special church for themselves”. This patriarch is either a lire or ignorant, he tries to look clever. He pretends to forget, like Zionists, that Greeks passed through our land as invaders and colonialists, while Arabs had  been in this land since the dawn of history. The Canaanites and the Jabusites are the owners of this land before Greeks and Hebrews passed through it, both are invaders to the land of Palestine.

For the information of his beatitude, the Greek patriarch, who was seated on the Jerusalemite Orthodox patriarchal seat, what Mr. Emile Ghoury wrote on December 5th 2009 in his article entitled “The History of the Orthodox Case; A 500 years Old Struggle” that contains a silencing response to Dioros I, regarding the nationality to which the Arab Orthodox congregation in the lands of southern Syrian, Mr. Ghoury said:

“The Arab Orthodox in natural Syria in general and in Jordan and Palestine in particular… whose origins goes back to the Ghassanites, the Al-Manathrah and At-Taghalibah in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Iraq are pure Arabs.”

Ghoury proceeds saying, “In relation to Jordan and Palestine, the Jerusalemite church was started by Bishop Jacob the Apostle the son of Joseph the carpenter who fell martyr on the hands of the Jews and was followed by his brother Simon (Simaan) who also was martyred by the Jews, he was succeeded on the bishopric of Jerusalem and the Holy Land (That became later a patriarchate) tens of patriarchs the great majority of whom were Arabs, the owners of the country, of who we mention Elia An-Najady who headed the patriarchal seat of Jerusalem on 494 AD, Patriarch Safronios the Damascene 634 AD, and he received the second Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab when he first visited Jerusalem/Al-Quds, Patriarch Yohanna in the year 705 AD who prohibited prayer in churches  in any language other than Arabic in addition to Patriarchs Elia II in the year 750 AD, the medical doctor Patriarch Thomas (Touma) in 786 AD, the Jerusalemite Patriarch Elia 868 AD, Patriarch Aghantios from Czarina 983 AD, Patriarch Marcus 1174 AD, Patriarch Joachim 1431 AD, Patriarch Marcus III 1501 and last the Arab Patriarch Attalah who was ordained in 1516, and they are all Arabs Patriarchs.

“The Encyclopedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism” authored by the late historian Dr. Abdel Wahab Al-Massiri who was threatened by the Zionist Mossad, external secret service of the Zionist entity, to be assassinated if he continues  working on it, (Dr. Massiri related this story during a lecture he delivered in Beirut that I was luck to personally attended). Dr. Massiri wrote in his encyclopedia about the names in which Al-Quds was known, “Al-Quds –Jerusalem in Hebrew Yeroushalaim, which was mentioned in the Old Testament more than 680 times. It is a word that was derived from (since the ninth century BC) a Jebusite Canaanite word ‘UrShalim (From the syllable ‘Yara’ meaning ‘establishing’ or ‘Or’ meaning ‘place’ or ‘city’, and syllable ‘sholmano’ or ‘Shalim; or ‘shlem’ who is the Semite God of peace… But in the fourth century Greek writings, it was called Hierosolyma … and it is called ‘Yabous’ in relation to its inhabitants and founders the Jebusites or Yabosites, who are a phratry or a subdivision of Arab tribe that moved to Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula about 2500 BC and occupied the hills overlooking the old city…”

Listen to the Hellenic National Anthem in RealAudioAs thus your beatitude, your people, the Greeks, are among these peoples who invaded and passed through, and possible colonized Palestine for some priod of time. Like other colonizers; so it doesn’t mean it owns Palestine and other lands that they colonized for some time in history,  like many lands of other peoples that Alexander the Great invaded and occupied extending from Macedonia to India down to Egypt, then his and his successors rule ended on all these lands, and they were no more Greek colonies, and neither their peoples became or remained Greeks.

The Byzantine/Roman/Greek presence in our land was ended on the hands of a people to who we belong, namely the Arabs, and Christian Arabs in the Fertile Crescent where there since millennia participated in it to drive out the Byzantine/Greek colonialist, thus Arab nationalism overtook religious sectarianism.

The Arab people in Palestine and Jordan as well as Syria and Lebanon of all its religious sects including the various Christian Arab sects, all of them, with the exception of some minorities that came from outside the Arab homeland and settled in Palestine and its Arab neighborhood, during various periods of time, even those who came with the Crusades (the Europeans – Al-Faranja), even the Armenians who took refuge in Palestine in the early twentieth century were uprooted like Palestinian Arabs from Palestine by the Zionist enemy.

Although the Crusader’s invasion to tne Holly Land started with the beginning of the second millennium under the banner of the cross born by West European so-called Christians, attacking first Constantinople, the capital of the then Eastern Christian Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, to “liberate” the Holly Land, Palestine, but the so-called liberation covered all the east Mediterranean,  from “Islamic occupation”. Massacres of those who called themselves “The Crusaders” started with the seat of the Eastern Christian Church, Constantinople, the Byzantines, before reaching the Holly Lands’ capital, Jerusalem, were the their knives didn’t differentiate between Christian and Moslem Arabs. Christians in the Arab homeland then belonged to the eastern church were not invited to join the crusades to fight against their Moslem compatriots, on the contrary they were massacred together.

As for Christians belonging to what is known as Western Churches, which branched from the Arab Orthodox congregation in Palestine and Jordan due to the bad administration and greed of Greek national monks/clergymen who imposed themselves on the fully Arab Orthodox congregation starting at the time of the Ottoman Empire then the British mandate to be followed by Zionist colonialists. Almost all of them starting with monks, archimandrites, bishops and ending with patriarchs, the head of the church, thus monopolizing all leading posts of the church, and the monks vocation, which admits them to the leading posts of the church such as bishop and patriarch that are up till now  almost fully monopolized by Greek monks. As thus they control the vast endowments of the church, which as well known are being sold/leased to Zionist colonialists and their money is mostly stolen by the so-called monks.

We are sure that Greek clergymen in Palestine are well informed about the Palestinian Arab cause, and the Zionist colonization and confiscation of the Palestinian Arab land. Their greed for Arab Orthodox endowments as is in the case with privately owned land and real estate, but as for the Arab congregation’s endowments it is impossible to confiscate except by the approval of the Greek monks headed by the patriarch who alternated on the seat and so could control the endowments that were contributed by the Palestinian Arab congregation, and of course not by the Greek monks whose interests was to steal contributions and not to contribute them.

When we know the value of the land and real estate forming the Palestinian Arab Orthodox endowments we recognize why Greek monks make sure to keep their hold of their posts, and refuse to allow the Arab congregation to take part in the clerical leadership of their church.

The vast Palestinian Arab Orthodox endowments  in Jerusalem, the rest of Palestine and Jordan form thousands of donums (a measure of land 1000 sq. meters) and real estate – all over Palestine and Jordon – and hundreds of churches, monasteries’ buildings, educational institutions, factories, workshops, houses and complete streets including commercial shops squares etc. As per its official records the Orthodox church owns endowments that conforms 18% of West Jerusalem, 17% of East Jerusalem and 3% of the area of the districts of Lid, Ramleh, Jafa and Haifa including areas of land, monasteries most of which fall in important locations of great value and strategically located, as for Nazareth, it is very difficult to obtain information about the “Bishop’s Palace Land” the area of which is 412 donums (412,000 sq. meters)… that is gone…  Patriarch Theodoros leased it to his allies… two or three men from Nazareth, which they handed to “Israelis”, on which they built basis in the neighborhood of Nazareth Elite colony (Jewish).

Nael Sayed Ahmad wrote on 30/5/2011 under the title “The uprising of Christian Arab Orthodox in Jordan and Palestine against the Greek influence on their church”: Dr. Raouf Abu Jaber, President of the Orthodox Council  in Jordan and Palestine said, “Christian Arabs are the owners of Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khattab’s custody, demand the Arabaisation of their holly church, and ask “How can we pray under the control of those who doesn’t know our language and we don’t know theirs?!”

Assad Al-Azzouni said, “Arab Orthodox Christians in Jordan and Palestine proceed with their peaceful intifadah demanding their liberation from a continued Greek control for more than one hundred years, which deprives the congregation of its guardianship, which caused the leakage of most of the Arab Orthodox endowments to Zionists, and hence building Zionist colonies and colonizing establishments on. The central Orthodox Council in Jordan and Occupied Palestine organized a national sit down protest against Greek control in general and in particular against the Greek patriarch’s visit to the town of Fuheis that falls to the west of Amman. The patriarch’s visit aims at restoring his popularity in the Jordanian Christian Orthodox circles after failing to fulfill the obligations he took upon himself to fulfill his duties as a good father to the congregation and protect the congregations’ endowments before his election. His failure to fulfill his promises to the Jordanian Government and the congregation in Amman resulted in the government’s withdrawal of its coverage to him. Unfortunately the visit of the Greek minister of foreign affairs, Dora, to the Jordanian capital made the Jordanian Government to restore its coverage to the patriarch, which was against the interests of the Palestinian and Jordanian Arab people.” We don’t understand, actually we don’t care to understand any justification for what harms our interest as a people and an Arab congregation. Why should politicians of an Arab state have to indulge the Greek minister of foreign affairs against the interests of the Arab people, and the forfeiture of its endowments, especially that there is no benefiter of this action except the Zionist enemy who proceeded with its colonization of the Palestinian Arab land, and there is no financial interest except for the Greek monks, and the colonizers of the Arab Orthodox congregation and endowments.

Abu Jaber said while speaking to a big gathering of believers in the church,we take pride of belonging to Orthodox patriarchate”. And added, “The length of occupation we are suffering from, that encircled its establishments, and sent its roots down deep into them since over one hundred years”. He asked himself regarding this matter, “Are we, Orthodox Arabs, supposed to only have our demand to get rid of a patriarch to be replaced by somebody who is not better than him?!” (We are sure that Dr. Abu Jaber wanted to say ‘we get a worse patriarch, but he out of politeness said ‘not better’). Abu Jaber listed the names of the six Greek patriarchs who sat on the Jerusalemite patriarchal chair starting with Thiayanos to Timosios to Bendictos to Thioros to Erynios and last Theofolos, none of whom whose regime was not accompanied with stories, scandals, corruption, sale of the congregation’s endowments and stealth of the patriarchate’s fortunes by mercenaries who should have no relation with the patriarchate such as Papa Dimos, whose fame has reached the western and eastern ends of the world. He explained that the holly meeting aims at sending a clear message to Patriarch Thiofolse and bishops members of the Holly Collage, we the congregation who are tightly connected to the church, serving it with belief and love hold them all responsible for the results of their failings that is apparent to all in their attitude that shows from behind their promises and trials to break through the union of the sons of the Arab orthodox congregation, through spreading hateful racist rumors and contempt of the rights of Arab clergy, and the fail to fulfill the conditions of the Jordanian law No. 27 of the year 1958, to which the Greek patriarch and the Moncks  resorts to in every detail they need headed by the arrangement for the election of patriarch himself, but they don’t execute its other clauses, explaining that the biggest breaches are represented by the denunciation and thwarting of the principle between the Greek monks and the Arab congregation, and thwarting the principles imposed on the patriarch to call the combined council suggested by his predecessor Theozoros and was approved by the Jordanian Prime Minister on 20/4/1999.

Abu Jaber confirmed, “These big and important violations that the current patriarch is shamelessly and so recklessly committing, noting that, in his election campaign he gave many promises to the government and the congregation namely that he shall be a good, pure, godly, God fearing and well being if he was unanimously elected to mend the spread corruption in the patriarchate when his predecessor Erynios was deposed on 8/5/2005 due to selling the real estate properties of Omar Ben Al-Khattab square in the old city of Jerusalem to Zionist Jews”. Abu Jaber added, “Patriarch Theofolos is trying now to appease the congregation in an old rotten manner, ask them not to request further demands and reminders of promises that he gave during these sleazy meetings and begging for banquets in homes that our people didn’t deny to him, but that didn’t wipe out their indignation with corruption, disorder and negligence that went deep in the Jerusalemite patriarchate, on the contrary matters deteriorated after the firing of Erynios and the taking over of Theofolos of his task as a unanimously  elected patriarch. The matter that caused disappointment for the sons of the church who doesn’t look for except the return of their dear patriarchate to the right path, the path to a bright road under a wise fatherly Christian leadership that is not impaired with racism that we see among the lines of Greek Moncks today.

المطران عطالله حناDuring his speech about Arab clergyman he said: “Our Arab clergyman his beatitude Attallah Hana and his brethren the respectful and educated Arab clergymen, they all dispense with frivolous play and this clerical oppression, warning the present leadership from excessive and persistence in such matters, as it is time for the right to uncover this hateful Greek racism and put it to end.” Dr. Abu Jaber ended his speech saying, “he holy church’s endowments are not for sale, and Greek monks should allow Arab clergymen to join the clerical rite, and calling upon the Jordanian government to execute the law after finding out that Patriarch Theofolos had failed to execute all his promises to it”. Abu Jaber said, “Greeks are not better than Arabs”. Noting that it is very hard for Arabs to see the endowments of their church which they willingly donated for the service and interest of their Arab compatriots are being sold to Zionist Jews, because their Judification, including the Omar Ben Al-Kattab square is another great loss for the Palestinian Arab cause.”

Without doubt, the remissness of Greek monks with the vast Arab endowments especially in Jerusalem that forms as we mentioned above 18% in west Jerusalem and 17% in east Jerusalem during the big Judification operation of our historical city, Jerusalem, which had been going on fast and wide, forms a great strike against Arab resistance against the Judification of Arab Palestine, with the support of the Greek government that is being done today, while not long ago Greece was one of the big supporters of Arab right in Palestine, and refusing to recognition of the Zionist entity, till the present Greek PM arranged for a political coup d’état regarding this matter by George Papandreou, who blames Arabs for not granting financial help during its present bad financial crises.

“Greece always had been known as a great supporter of the Palestinians. Mr. Papandreou’s father, Andreas, was so opposed to Israel that he even had been accused of aiding Palestinian “terrorists” during his tenure in as Greek prime minister in the 1980s.

Not anymore.”

“Relations between the two countries began to change early last year when Mr. Papandreou and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly met by coincidence in Moscow. The Israeli leader is said to have taken the opportunity to voice his concern about Islamic militancy in Turkey, Greece’s great nemesis. The two men became friendly. “

The Palestinian Arab struggler, Bishop Atalah Hana, Archbishop of Sabastia for Orthodox Arabs in a speech that forms a national and religious intifadah against the racist Greek colonization of the Arab Palestinian and Jordanian Orthodox church, on the occasion of Whitsunday held at the Nazareth Church of annunciation, in which a big audience of clergymen and members of the congregation participated among who was Bishop Kyriakos (A Greek national) bishop of Nazareth and the rest of the Galilee, in which all the clergymen serving in Nazareth and its surrounding villages took part, the church’s council and its quire although the patriarch issued a order prohibiting Bishop Attalah Hana from performing his duties as the bishop said: “This punitive arbitrariness step that Patriarch Theofolos resorted to is a sign of weakness and not of strength. We regret to say also that his decision to stop  me from performing my religious duties  for a certain period of time is regrettable, we are very sorry that the patriarch resorts to such a manner in his dealing with us, the Arab clergy. He issued his rule on us without hearing our point of view and without discussing with us the matters the that he raised, which as we believe are not in the interest of the patriarchate, it is a political and not a religious decision, which has no relation with the agreed upon basis and known traditions, and are not customary in church and academic matters. It  is not allowed to announce a judgment by default, without allowing the “accused” to defend himself, his stances and the ideas he raised; so we consider this decision as null and void and not legal, and thus we don’t recognize it, and we shall not recognize it, we shall keep on performing our church and clerical duties and perform the holly mass today in this holly church with his beatitude Bishop Kyriakos (A Greek national who sympathizes with the Arab congregation) the clergy, is the best way to express our full refusal of this arbitrary decision  this lacks any spiritual and churchly basis. Having this big gathering of priests and members of the congregation is a clear proof that I am not alone who rejects this arbitrary decision, but also this big number of our respected clergymen.”

The Arab nationalist bishop proceeded with his speech, of which we allow ourselves to quote a big part of it because of its importance and it sums up the subject matter of this article, and expresses up the Palestinian Arab struggle against the Greek religious and Zionist and western despotism and political and military colonialism that are complementary to each other, saying: “We confirm our rejection of colonialism and despotism of all their sources and forms, especially when this colonialism bears a religious character and a holly halo. We believe that it is a great misdeed to give colonialism and despotism a spiritual and churchly camouflage to cover the ugly face of this ugly racism. They deal with us with racialism just because we are Arabs, this is our ‘sin’, we tell them that we are 100% Orthodox Christians  and 100% Arabs, there is no confusion in our spiritual and national identity, of which we take pride, and when we speak about the matter of Arabaisation we don’t mean racism or mean to be catabolic about the status of any body. We ask why we are criticized by some when we talk about Arabaisation, while it is permissible for others to say that their church is Greek, but it is not allowed for us to say that our church is Arab, and we disregard Greek hegemony over our Arab church?

Here we take the opportunity to explain our understanding of the (word Arabaisation). This word doesn’t mean for us confinement or isolation or we look down on others. Arabaisation simply means the protection of our rights and the rights of our Orthodox sect, and not to be neglected and not to be treated as strangers in our own church. When we speak about Arabaisation we don’t mean enmity to anybody whether they are Greeks or of any other nationality, we mean to protect our presence, belonging and connection to this church, and be allowed to be among those working for it and its spiritual and humanitarian message; so those should stop criticizing the word of Arabaisation because our understanding of the word is cultural, humanitarian and creative, and not isolationist and hate towards others. Somebody wrote in a newspaper that Arabaisation is a word of “truth that means fals”, but I say what is correct is, Arabaisation is a word of truth that meant to be the truth towards others. For us Arabaisation simply means for us is to protect our rights and the rights of the Arab Orthodox congregation, not to disregard us and not to be  treated as strangers in our homeland.”

1.     The Arab striver bishop proceeded to express his pride in his Arab nationalism that is too far from being a sort of racism, sayng: “I take pride in belonging to the Arab nation, as Greeks take pride in being Greeks, we take pride in our Arabism, and as they have the right to love their Greek homeland, and hold mass in  The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the occasion of their Greek national days; so it is our right and duty to love our homeland and celebrate our national days…”

We are quite sure that those in power in the colonialists apartheid Zionist entity bless and support Greek racism against Arab Christians as this fits well with their Zionist colonialism politically and militarily, because that helps them to take control of the Palestinian Arab land, to uproot its Arab indigenous people from it, especially relying on what the patriarch of the Jerusalemite Orthodox seat said, “those who are supposed to be Arabs are actually Arab speaking Greeks”; so if they are Greeks, why does he treats them with racism, and deny them the  right to take hold of leading clerical posts in the Orthodox church, as long as they are Greek nationals, and for Zionists it means that we have no right to be in Palestine, this is only, for sure, from the Zionist point of view??!!

It is regrettable that the conditions of the Arab Orthodox church in independent Jordan is not any better than in occupied Palestine by Zionists displaceable and replaceable colonialism. Dr. Abu Jaber said, “Only What is in the interest of Greek monks and not in the interest of the Jordanian Arab people and the Arab Orthodox church property law was applied, but not what is in Arab interest.”

It is necessary to say, or actually expose the lowly behavior of the vast majority of the Greek clergymen.

1.     And in another occasion Dr. Abu Jaber said, “I believe that Arabs should give priority to these causes
2.     because they occupy a central position in their cause, the Orthodox cause – the paradox – broke out in 1872, when Palestinian Arabs congratulated  Bulgars for being  for their independence from the Greek church, and liberated from its control.

“When Arabs congratulated the Bulgars for their liberation from the control of the Greek church, the Greek church controlled our Arab Orthodox church…! which took place thanks to the relation of the Ottomans with the “roum” ], with the Greeks in Constantinople.

Regrettably the Ottoman Sultanate was involved in the matter. Every Ottoman ruler who came to Jerusalem was receiving bribes from Grek monks. Every Ottoman Prime Minister (Al-Sadre Al-A’zam) in Istanbul was accused of receiving bribes from the Greek patriarch in Constantinople, from the Orthodox patriarchate of Jerusalem.”

If we ask are the land sale contracts legal, we reply saying yes for sure, but on Zionist basis, ther sole interest is to take control of Palestinian Arab property, and there is no difference whether it is private Arab property or endowments. The interest of the Zionist movement is to lay its hands on Arab lands by means of stealth or by paying incredible prices if stealing is not possible, noting that there are complicated legal arrangement that are taking place for the interest of Zionist settlers/colonizers, and not in the interest of the Orthodox patriarchate in Jerusalem. When relations between Greek monks and Zionist centers was intimate as there was common interests between the two parties, as what is important for Zionists is to take acquisition of Arab land at any cost. But as for Greek monks who are anything but real God fearing and pious devoted monks. They are thieves, and they had mistresses and left behind them bastard off springs since the day they laid foot on the holy land of Palestine, they befouled it with everything that is dissolute and corrupt.

The big case that took place in the regime of Patriarch Erynios, which drove Greek monks to raise hell, and made them depose the patriarch, relying on that he permitted to granting a power of attorney signed by him to a 32 years old chap named Papa Dimis, who sold property belonging to the church worth hundreds of millions of Dollars if not billions, cash the price and run away from the country. How is it possible to do so if the patriarch was not conspiring with Papa Dimis and take the lion’s share of the looting of the Arab Orthodox congregation’s endowment.

It is important to mention in this case that the Greek media severely accused Patriarch Erynios I in this case, as Papa Dimis was convicted for trading in drugs and convicted for 15 years of imprisonment by Greek courts, and accused by the Greek media that he is an agent of the “Israeli” Mossad. He also leased in 2004 a lot of land that is owned by the Orthodox church at the entrance of Bethlehem – Christ’s birth town to “Israeli” Occupation Army for US$ 200,000.—on which a military check point was erected. After signing the deal Papa Dimis left occupied Palestine, and as church sources said he took with him several million dollars from the patriarchate safe, which he was responsible for.

As well known though this deal wasn’t the first of its kind, but it is considered one of the most dangerous, because it was concluded in the Old City of Jerusalem, and its main danger is that the location is Al-Khalil Gate (Hebron) it targets creating an extension of  a colony/settlement in that location, and other colonization points in Old Jerusalem, especially in the tannery market; where the building of St. Johns Monastery lies, and opening new colonizing  roads towards the Old City, other than these already in existence extending from the “Armenian quarter” up to “Jewish quarter”.

The Greek clergymen who control it, if we don’t say colonize the Arab Orthodox Church, are still doing their best to achieve Zionist goals, the Judification  all parts of Jerusalem as well as the rest of Palestine and Palestine’s neighborhood, which is being methodologically and precisely done by the Zionist movement and entity. It is their ultimate goal for a long historical chain, which looks as if the various concerned parties had colluded as a result of its languor in the prevention of ending it, its present cycle touches its eastern part that is still Arab up till now, some Zionist colonizing parties took part in concluding the scenario along with those who imposed themselves on the patriarchate since a century and a half, and hence on the Orthodox church the congregation of which is almost exclusively Arab in Jerusalem the rest of occupied Palestine and Jordan.

Without doubt the Greek clergymen proved with their personal and religious characteristics lack of ethical characteristics, and distance themselves from Christian ideals and deeds as the distance of earth to outer space.